That Which Must Not Be Named

July 05, 2010   

Dumbledore kills Trinity after that one guy turns out to be a ghost and discovers he's also a clone of the blind girl from the village that's actually IN THE PRESENT!

Anonymous Asshole: Looky it's Barnaby's family!!!

DIL: Ooh! Did not know that Irish headmasters could walk through glass!

Mike: I don't think Dumbledore is Irish...

Alex: I got the idea Dumbeldore was from like, south central england. There are a TON of gay brits though.

Mike: What do you call a ton of gay Brits? 2,000 pounds. ha ha

Michelle: Are those the bloody Weasley twins? Damn ginger kids! Always boozing it up and wearing bow ties.

Mike: If those are the Weasly twins, looks like they dug Fred up, eh?

Michelle: Wearing a bow tie is a way of informing the world that you can't get an erection.

Mike: That quote would make the best bumper sticker ever!

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