About Nerd Theater

Nerd Theater is a web comic. If you're retarded, that means it's a COMIC ON THE WEB. It congealed from the minds of three guys after we found a child on our doorstep, dispatched with some drug dealers, and convinced Nancy Travis to move in with us. Wait...that might be the plot to Three Men and a Baby.

Five good reasons why you love Nerd Theater:

  1. We are clearly much smarter than you and by reading Nerd Theater you look smarter.
  2. We have an ethnic minority, which makes YOU more diverse.
  3. It's all done on Linux. Actually, Mike works on Linux and Alex usually uses Windows 7. Fuck, there goes our gimmick.
  4. The art is easy to understand, since it's so simple and repetitive.
  5. It won't give you testicular cancer, at least not in any way you can prove in a court of law.

The Guys Who Make This Crap

Mike: Dr. Programsalot
Mike be a simple country programmer who knows how to program using C#, Python, C, C++, Pascal, Boo, Java, and is at least familiar with Brainfuck. But more than that, he writes and draws our simple, offensive comics. So send your amateur porn shots and hate mail to him.

Alan: World Traveler
Alan was our original artist and co-founder of Nerd Theater. I say "was" because he is now in Africa, presumably getting AIDS-raped or whatever happens on the Dark Continent.

Alex: Man of Mystery
Alex does a little bit of everything. Except drawing. Or programming. Or site maintenance. He does post comments (when the mood grabs him) and occasionally writes a script. If he could remember any passwords to admin pages, he might accidentally contribute, but it's sooo damn hard to remember things when you are on enough narcotics to kill 10 men riding an elephant who is also on top of a whale. Fighting Sherlock Holmes.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: Only one comic per week? I put out something better into my toilet on a daily basis!
    • A: Alex goes through "Mikes" at an alarming rate and it takes roughly a week to retrain a new one to draw with such abysmal quality.
  • Q: Are those your real names?
    • A: Of course not, don't be silly. We're actually all named Griff, but a preliminary marketing study found that too many capital G's in a single comic panel angers up the blood.
  • Q: Is Alan available for kids' parties, rollerblading, or casual sex?
    • A: Yes, no, and a/s/l?
  • Q: I'm physically disgusting and obsessed with World of Warcraft. How can I convince a woman to let me "mend her ax wound with my +1 Rigid Rod of Healing"?
    • A: Preheat oven to 350° F. Mix together one box of white cake mix, one cup of chocolate chips, ½ cup of cooking oil, and two eggs. Place in a 9x13 in. greased pan and bake for 20 minutes.
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