
January 17, 2011   

Luckily, he was still under warranty.

Anonymous Asshole: What? No WTF link? How will I understand the motives for your tomfoolery? HOWWWWWW???

Anonymous Asshole: What he said /|\

Mike: FINE! It is done.

Anonymous Asshole: You love us! You really, really love us!

Dancinpete: Poor Alan! He does not have the means to defend himself, as he is too busy frolicking about Africa NOT TAKING PICTURES OF ELEPHANTS WALKING IN A SINGLE FILE LINE, EACH ELEPHANT HOLDING ON TO ANOTHER ELEPHANT'S TAIL WITH ITS TRUNK.

Mike: @AA: Love is such a strong word. Were you to be drowning and I could save you without setting down my coffee, I would consider it.

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