The Parker Prank

April 11, 2011   

The website said they were housebroken.

Mike: Hey! Who voted this comic down? BURN IN HELL, ASSHOLE!

Eric: Where do I vote it down?

Mike: See the stars at the upper right? Click 5 stars, cause this comic rules!

Anonymous Asshole: Too soon, dude! Too soon!

Mike: What? Peter Parker was bitten years ago, man.

Anonymous Asshole: The spiders searched endlessly for Michael's crotch, but nothing was to be found.

Anonymous Asshole: At least someone in my household now knows that a radioactive spider does look VERY differrent from th1e the multitude of things he/she thinks look like one

Anonymous Asshole: I can spot a radioactive spider from MILES AWAY...but sometimes they sneak into the house while I'm sleeping.

MIke: What on Earth is this tomfoolery?

Anonymous Asshole: That's cuz Mike has no crotch to speak of

Anonymous Asshole: It's called Nerd Theater...... BITCH.

Anonymous Asshole: Mmmhmm, girlfriend!

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