Fuck Off, We're Busy

April 18, 2011   

Make your own goddamn comic this week.

Anonymous Asshole: Some of us don't have color printers, douche-b!

Mike: Cut and paste on your computer to make the comic. DO IT NOW!

zombie_batch: I hosted my comic at http://www.lemonparty.org . Enjoy!!!

Elderly Gay Man: I hosted my own personal lemon party in zombie_batch's mouth!!

Anonymous Asshole: no one go to that link, ever

Anonymous Asshole: Makin' copies!

zombie_batch: Even the dudes from Super Bad are familiar with Lemon Party http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QspVBPkmP5Q

Anonymous Asshole: Dude, EVERYONE ON THE INTERNET knew about Lemon Party like 10 years ago.

Anonymous Asshole: What the hell is Lemon Party?

Anonymous Asshole: It's nothing, and it's awful, no, bad zombie batch!

Mike: We haven't received a single submission. You all suck balls.

Dancinpete: I'm working on it! What about YOUR submission?

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