Rated "M" for Metaphysical

July 29, 2009   

Bellator ergo sum!

Alex: Descartes? What a noob, everyone knows that Socrates "Self Sacrifice in name of beliefs" move is the game breaker

Mike: What if Thomas Aquinas uses his "Philosopher's Stone" attack to render Socrates immortal? Using the famous man-mortal syllogism and modus tollens, we may also conclude that Immortal Socrates is no longer a man!

Alex: Yea, but having been rendered immortal he renders all subsequent philosophers irrelevent and becomes "The Godfather" of thought

Mike: But with his new found wisdom, does Immortal Socrates forfeit the game to ascend towards a higher plane of thought or does he pwn some n00bz?

Alex: Dude, it's just a game. He pwns 400bz, duh.

Mike: Alan, this is where you'd pipe in with an insightful philosophical comment to demonstrate how smart you are. I'm gonna have to dock you a few points for me having to explain it to you.

Anonymous Asshole: Nietzsche Nietzsche Nietzsche Nietzsche Nietzsche

God: Nietzsche is dead.

Michelle: No, God is dead. ... Or in the T.V. ... I can never remember which.

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