Open Course

August 03, 2009   

This is why we had a stuffed ape for our Gutsy Gibbon party. They're surprisingly cheap to rent.

Michelle: A leopard wouldn't have consumed your colon. A leopard would have just snapped your neck and dragged you up into a tree to eat at a later time, but at least it wouldn't start from the colon up!

Mike: I think a leopard would consider starting with the colon if it had to listen to a crusty old man in a turtle-neck say the word "innovation" one more time!

Michelle: No, the leopard would probably ignore the crusty old man in the turtle-neck because he is a vegan and is too sinewy and gross. The pot-bellied buffoon who feeds on the flesh of lesser beasts would definitely be more appealing.

Mike: And who exactly is this "pot-bellied buffoon"?

Jinksy: heh?

Michelle: Y'know... just, uh... sayin' stuff... 'n junk...

Mike: I guess in the end we can all agree that Macs are totally gay :)

Alex: I worked on your dads Suburban, heard about your car

Alex: Fords are teh suxzor

Alex: Also, did you think of this comic during a meeting on campus about Ubuntu?

Mike: No, everyone's a Mac user in my lab. Mostly because the boss is a Mac user.

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