Escalator to Hell

January 30, 2010   

Think I'm kidding? Ask Alex about the time I was supposed to see Princess Leia's tits...

Michelle: I thought it was Natalie Portman's tits?

Mike: If only! Nope, I was given the promise of previously unseen tit action in a Leia/Jabba scene. That promise was left...unfulfilled.

Alex: It was probably the best stunt ever, right after showing the whole school a picture of Mike naked, posing in seductive ways for his girlfriend.

Mike: Pro-tip #1 for kids: encrypt all pictures that contain your junk.

Mike: Pro-tip #2 for kids: don't take pictures of your junk.

Alex: Pro-tip #Z for Mike: You cannot hide from me, you can only prolong the enevitable.

Mike: Will gentle?

Alex : Pro-tip# Q2R: NO.

Michelle: Then... what was all the fuss about Natalie Portman's tits?

Mike: They're tits...and they're attached to Natalie Portman. If that doesn't qualify for a fuss, I'm not sure what does.

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