The Kindle Bender

March 21, 2011   

Get the DX. It reads PDFs like a mo-fo.

Dancinpete: I absolutely adore Mike's face in the last frame.

Anonymous Asshole: No blog? NO BLOG???

Mike: The fans have spoken, and I have delivered!

Alex: Fans? I count one, a fan.

Mike: Maybe to get more fans, we gots ta turn up tha mutha-fuckin' heat, y'all!

Dancinpete: Counting Alex and Michael as fans, that makes three, three fans! Ah! Ah! Ah!

Mike: I'm not sure Alex is a fan, actually. He told me he only likes good comics.

Alex: This is all a secret plot thats gonna bite Mike in the ass 5 years from now when he's interviewing to teach at MIT. He'll have the job until I email them a link to NT.

Dancinpete: Your ploy to wreak havoc on Mike's career may just be the much needed extra pat to the pedantic ass, the casual squeeze to the boob of academia, which will get him tenure, a solid gold house, and a rocket car.

Mike: I think a more realistic picture of Academia might be them allowing me to use the scraps of my rejected papers to clothe myself and dry my tears.

Dancinpete: Is this before or after they've taken your will to live?

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