Return To Innocence

July 21, 2010   

Tragically, that man did end up missing his beloved American Idol.

Alex: That's why he moved to Africa.

Mike: I thought he moved there to search for Pythagoras' long lost gold. And nail some foxy chicks.

Emmet: Wait. WAIT! Why don't they have noses?!

Mike: DAMN! Give a mouse a neck and he asks for a nose...

Anonymous Asshole: I hope to god he doesn't nail anything or anyone in Africa. He'll get the AIDS.

DancinPete: Are you sure arms can bend like that? I mean, have you ever asked one of your buddies to bend his arms to compare? Do people really hold bananas like that?

DancinPete: By the way, I don't care how "yesterday" Harry Potter jokes are, there is never NOT a time to make fun of that pansy-assed butt nugget.

Mike: I'm not sure how YOU hold a banana, but I've had plenty of positive feedback on my technique! Also, Harry Potter should have magicked himself a pair and nailed Hermione.

Alex: Hermoine was Rons, Harry nailed Rons sister, which I guess isn't a burn in England, or when your sister is a kinda dumpy ginger.

Mike: Fuck Ron. Hermione totally settled for the zero when she would've had the hero. Harry could have totally had a witch harem. Now THAT'S a book I would read.

DancinPete: So... if the apple is being tossed into the air, and the banana is being clutched... where on earth did the orange end up?

Anonymous Asshole: out of frame, duh.

DancinPete: "Our of frame?"... Stating the obvious: plus 10; Lack of cleverness: minus eleventy billion

Mike: The cops totally busted his orange after he said he just needed to juice one last time!

DancinPete: And I realize I misspelled "Out," but only because my eyes were blinded by the tears from the lack of cleverness. And thank you, Michael, for being gross! Don't change, ever! Although a shower every now and then couldn't hurt...

Anonymous Asshole: Cleverness is like a doughnut, there's always a hole someone is gonna bitch about.

Mike: Funny, your face is often like a donut. Hey-o!

DancinPete: ... Why bitch about the hole? You still get a doughnut out of the deal!

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