Positive Outlook

October 11, 2010   

No offense, Alan, but I don't think it would even take half a day.

DancinPete: Why would Alex affix a photo of himself to the reminder? That's not very stealthy!

Mike: I don't think stealth was his goal...

Alex: First, my goal is to embarass Mike as often as I can, second, why is my head coming off my neck?

Mike: There, it's fixed now you big baby.

Anonymous Asshole: Egads! High priority? Better get to it, Mike!

Mike: If it were digitally signed, I guess I'd have no choice...

DancinPete: Just so you know, I am unabashedly wearing my Nerd Theater t-shirt today.

Mike: Yay! Wait until Alex designs us a new logo before getting a Nerd Theater tattoo, though.

Alex: When are we gonna get a picture of brother, sister and wife of brother in their nifty Nerd Theater shirts for the *whispers*facebook page.

DancinPete: Don't forget Mike's beloved and affectionately named Dawg-in-law! And get cracking on that new logo. I false advertised to a toddler and to a sweet-dispositioned octogenarian, and I just feel awful for wronging them so!

Alex: Since I'm currently on a god forsaken Mac, I'll have to go scrub my hands with steel wool. After that though, I'll make Mike setup a poll so you'all can vote on your favorite logotype version of Nerd Theater

Anonymous Asshole: Ok, here's where I lodge my complaint: My goddamn nerdtheatre RSS feed hasn't updated shit since July 26....I (fool that I am) believed that the Theatre had closed down...Yet, here I am and what the hell is this? New Nerd Theatre. Guys, I can't be expected to actually come to the site and look for updates. This is what RSS is for. It is really simple.

Mike: Sorry for the RSS problems! It's not directly related to the feed, it's because we lost access to the nerdtheater.com and nerdtheatre.com domains (I won't name names here, ALAN). The feed is alive and well, it's just been moved to nerd-theater.com/rss/comics.xml. We had a 301 redirect going for a while, but it appears that didn't register for RSS readers. Believe me, we're pissed off about the loss of the domains, but a cerain guy NAMED ALAN CAN'T SEEM TO REALIZE THAT WE NEED THE FUCKING PASSWORDS TO UPDATE THE GODDAMN SERVER IP ADDRESS.

Mike: Oh, and if you (the anonymous guy with RSS problems) are actually Alan: Alan, we need those passwords :)

Alex: I like to believe that he is a real honest fan. In my heart of hearts I like to believe that we actually have people who enjoy our idiotic potty humor.

DancinPete: Insult the Mac however much you want, but when you are finally fed up with your PC betraying your tender, tender heart time after time, the Mac will be waiting for you, patiently, like a loyal canine standing beside the corpse of what was once his master.

Alex: You are probably right, I'm sure having all these games, all these supported programs, all this custom built power and the $1200.00 I saved NOT buying a mac is gonna get super tiring soon. Though that does remind me, I need to give mike the $20.00 I owe you for this WONDERFUL OS I'm currently insulting you from. Ironic, no?

Anonymous Asshole: Oh no he didn't!

Mike: I actually wrote those hurtful words. I do it because I'm insecure about using Linux, and I want Mac users to feel as bad as I do.

Alex: Penises taste salty

Mike: Alex knows that because I told him about how I suck dudes off ALL THE TIME.

Real Mike: Praise be to Lord Alan! He hath sent the secret key and reopened the door to the Kingdom of Unbroken Domains. Huzzah!

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