It's Beta This Way

May 24, 2010   

He'll come back...any day now...

Anonymous Asshole: ooohhh pretty background...poor mike :-(

Alex: It would'nt take something as good as StarCraft 2 to make me do that to Mike

Mike: Now I'm a little suspicious of our big trip to the country this weekend...

Alex: Its more of an "Ol'Yeller" thing.

Mike: I never finished that book. I assume they had a surprise party or something for him?

WTFisStarcraft2?: Hey, where is the "I Like" link?

Mike: Ah, yes: you can now click directly on the stars and rate it from 1 to 5.

Starcraftisawesome, that's what it is!: I hope you learned your lesson to never trust people who wear sunglasses at night.

Anonymous Asshole: I like the sky. This scene reminds me of the end of "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep"

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