Get Your Goat On

May 16, 2011   

It's not illegal on international waters.

Dancinpete: You just can't get enough of that (obviously exaggerated) American peener.

Dancinpete: AND you made sure the tip was visible in the majority of this comic. I LOATHE YOU!

Mike: Tee hee

Anonymous Asshole: hahahahahahaha, BAM! NT AGAIN!

Mike: We have the best comic ever.

Eric: So, a friend of mine worked as an intelligence guy in Afghanistan. He said the locals didn't understand that night vision goggles meant the military could see what they were doing with their livestock. Apparently it was a real problem.

Anonymous Asshole: Good thing Mikes parents didn't have nightvision goggles when he was growing up, they would have seen a lot of terrible things.

zombie batch: No new comic? This should suffice. It's a monkey violating a frog. Don't make me put up a link to a turtle violating a shoe.Or the Picard "Make it so" video. I've got a whole aresenal of random awesome highlights of life...

Mike: Alex was supposed to post a comic, but he discovered his left hand. How about the Picard remix song?

Anonymous Asshole: No, NO! NT will never link to awful YT videos! I'm fucking depressed ass holes, so I hope you all feel like big cocks! *sobs*

zombie_batch: Wipe those tears with a Subway sandwich. and Engage!

zombie_batch: Wipe those tears with a Subway sandwich. and Engage!

zombie_batch: Fuck your captchas. Now they're saying I did it wrong and double posting.

Mike: You rippin' on my captchas, brah?

zombie_batch: U mad bra?

Mike: Ur goddamn right I am, brah. Y u b h8in, g?

zombie_batch: Your captchas be trippin', B

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